@x1t1 浜様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 CJPOS PointofSale System OPERATIONS MANUAL CJPOS 5.51J 21 November 1996 Cuyahoga Computing Co. Support Line: 2165871590 藩様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 浜様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様融 TABLE OF CONTENTS 藩様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様夕 System Setup ........ 27 - 34 Features List ........ 2 BASIC OPERATION ........ 2 Main Menu Options Employee Maintenance ........ 3 - 4 Close Register ........ 4 Payouts ........ 5 - 6 System Setup ........ 27 - 34 Exit System ........ 5 Toggle SKU / Menu Entry ........ 6 Estimates Menu Recall Estimate ........ 7 Save Estimate ........ 7 Adjust Menu ........ 8 Customer Menu Information ........ 9 - 10 History ........ 11 Add New ........ 11 Reports Menu Daily Sales ........ 12 Reporting Menu ........ 13 - 14 Sales Analysis ........ 15 - 17 Monthly Reports ........ 18 Inventory Menu Create Purchase Order ........ 18 Received Merchandise ........ 18 Receiving Log ........ 19 Category / Department Update ... 19 - 20 Changing Item Names / Qty ...... 20 Changing Stock Prices / Cost ... 21 Stock Re-order Points ........ 22 Stock Printing Options ........ 22 - 25 SKU Sets/Kits ........ 26 Accounting Store Account Payment ........ 39 Finance Charge Accounts ........ 39 List Store Accounts ........ 39 Vendor Editing ........ 38 Adding To Inventory ........ 35 - 36 ASCII Export Files ........ 37 - 38 Voids / Return / Exchanges ........ 39 Reprinting Invoices ........ 39 System Reset ........ 41 LAYAWAY ACCOUNTS ........ 40 Notes ........ 41 - 44 CJPOS POS MANUAL 02 様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 System Features * Real-time inventory tracking. Inventory is decremented every time an item is sold. Item menu pop provides instant knowledge of on hand stock. * Estimate saving & retrieval. Write up a quote, print it & save it. Saves time when converting to invoices. * Barcode capability using a keyboard wedge style barcode reader. Simply plug the 'wedge' between the keyboard and the computer. * Can add inventory/stock items 'on the fly' while writing invoices. The system does not lock you into hours of tedious data entry before use. * Full adjustment of on screen information. Quantity, price, line item price, labor hours/price, & discounts can be applied before committing to invoice or when revising estimates. * Customer data/history capture. Your important client information is saved & updated with each invoice. CJPOS provides customer purchase history recall for viewing and can be printed. * ZIP / Postal Code capture. Every new ZIP code is remembered by the system. When a new customer is encountered with the same code, CJPOS automatically inserts the city, state, & area code for that ZIP code. A nice time saver. * A variety of reports: Daily Sales, Daily Payouts, Sales Analysis, Inventory information. * Canadian GST IS supported by this program, as well as Provincal Tax !! * Individual labors/items assigned per mechanic/salesperson can enabled in System Setup. When Sales Analysis performed the individuals receive credit. * ASCII Data Export files. Results of Sales Analysis & Daily Sales can be exported to a spreadsheet program. * Can be run in a DOS window in Windows(R) or O/S 2 (R). BASIC OPERATION 陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳 The list box on the left of the screen contains different departments. For the demo databases these departments are Services, Exhaust, Emmisions, Brakes, Shocks & Struts, Springs, and so on till Miscellaneous. After selecting one of these a window pops up with various categories. For example, select the Exhaust Department with parts such as mufflers, pipes, hangers, clamps, etc. Using the cursor keys moves a selection box to a part category. Say we chose Mufflers, now striking the Enter key replaces the first window with a second window listing the part numbers under that category. For our example, we choose #1811G of Mufflers by using the cursor keys again to move the selection box. This exact part number for Mufflers has the price to go with it. Finally the quantity is prompted at the bottom of the window; the default value is 1. If the SKU Number representing the part is known that SKU can be scanned using barcodes or typed. To switch to that mode of entry select "Toggle SKU / Menu Entry" from the 'Main' menu. For the Services department, canned descriptions of labor are loaded in with their hour quantity. These descriptions can be added to. The appropiate labor rate is then selected. The Labor/Services department is not required to be part of the system however. When a receipt is ready, it can be saved as an estimate, or finalized as TENDERING to Cash, Check, Visa/MC, Discover, American Express. Customer information then prompted before the end of a sale. Previous information can retrieved if a sale re-occurs to the same customer at a later date by providing several letters of the last name, the last 4 digits of their phone, or by their customer number. Main Menu Options 03 様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 Employee Maintenance 様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 Adding or Editing Employees A standard information screen is first presented such as: 陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳 Editing Employee Information # 2 ++ Personal Information +陳陳陳陳陳陳+ +陳陳陳陳陳陳+ First Name Bob Last Name Balsor +陳陳陳陳陳陳+ +陳陳陳陳陳陳+ etc,..... ,etc ....., +陳陳陳陳陳陳+ +陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳+ +陳陳陳陳+ Ctrl+F5 Exit & Save Birth Date 061461 Page Dn / Page Up +陳陳陳陳+ +陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳+ 陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳 But this next screen has some items which should be noted: 陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳 + Editing Employee Information # 2 ++ Company Information +陳+ +陳陳+ Division 1 Store Number 1 +陳+ +陳陳+ +陳陳陳+ +陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳+ Status FT ^ Full Time AM ~ +陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳+ +陳陳陳+ +陳陳陳+ Password Y [X] Display on Screen +陳陳陳+ () Hourly ( ) Salary +陳陳陳陳陳+ +陳陳陳陳陳陳+ Pay Rate .00 Inactive Date +陳陳陳陳陳+ +陳陳陳陳陳陳+ +陳陳陳+ Commission Rate .00 +陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳+ 陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳 1. Status : The status level - PT, FT, AM, MG, DM determines the level of access that the individual has for the system. For example to get to this screen the default manager, # 1, MG, has a security level of 4. The MENUS.DBF database sets the security level required to do things such as Employee Maintenance. The CJPOS system standard level for adding new stock, inventory adjustment, etc. is set at this level 4, or MG Manager. 2. Password : Used by the employee when accessing security sensitive areas of the system. Only they & their supervisor should know the password for the employee. Main Menu Options 04 様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 Employee Maintenance 様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 3. Display On Screen : If the District Manager or Manager does not want his name displayed in the employee list on screen. 4. Inactive Date: Date the employee left or was terminated. An employee will remain in the system until the end of the fiscal year for tax & payroll reasons. Hence, a deleted employee really just becomes "inactive" until the end of the year. 5. Payrate & Hourly/Salary: Presently has no effect until the payroll entry module is finished. 6. Commision Rate: Used in the Employee Commission Report of the Reporting Menu. 様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 Close Register 様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 To begin a new date the system must be closed daily. Closing the register results in finalizing the register date records. The screen will reflect the REGISTER DATE, NOT THE COMPUTER SYSTEM DATE. If a day was accidently closed it can be re-opened if the 'Edit Previous Days Payouts' switch is set to 'Yes'. During closing the creation and printing of several reports can be done. Select those desired from the list on screen. The system will remember your choices for the next close. The reports will be created, then printed as the system shuts down. Saves you the time of creating each report individually. Next, any file maintenance will be done by the system. Finally, the system will back up all of the data files to a diskette. Main Menu Options 05 様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 Payouts 様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 Selecting 'Options' results in the following screen: 陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳 +_ Payouts +++ 債+ Saturday Register # 1 060395 +陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳+ +頂 There Are No Payouts 債+ +頂 +陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳+ 債+ +頂 +陳陳陳陳陳+ +陳陳陳陳陳+ +陳陳陳陳陳+ +陳陳陳陳陳+ 債+ Print Edit Add Date 債+ +陳陳陳陳陳+ +陳陳陳陳陳+ +陳陳陳陳陳+ +陳陳陳陳陳+ 債+ Tab Between Choices 陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳 1. Print Prints the following report for the date displayed. EXAMPLE: 浜様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様融 DAILY PAYOUTS Monday 050195 藩様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様夕 Napa CASH 11.98 Aramark CASH 58.29 Midwest Engine Sales CHECK 465.00 浜様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様融 CASH PAYOUTS 2 $ 70.27 OTHER PAYOUTS 1 $ 465.00 藩様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様夕 If A Range of Dates is selected then that list can be printed as well. The list will be created/printed by either chronological date,( Sort by Date) or by reason of payout ( Sort by reason). In Monthly Reports, Payouts can also be printed by Vendor. 2. Edit Editing of payout name & amount is allowed. 3. Add Allows the addition of a payout to the list. Select reason for payout from list. Some reasons have sub-categories, such as Utilities. If applicable, a vendor name is then chosen. Finally the amount entered & method of payment is selected. 4. Date Will allow the viewing/printing/editing of payouts from a previous sales date. 様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 Exit System 様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 Standard POS system setup allows the exit to DOS for managers. Main Menu Options 06 様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 Toggle Menu / SKU Entry 陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳 Switches system from the default menu mode to direct SKU Entry. Department Description Part # Price Qty Total +陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳+ DEPARTMENTS Menu Mode +陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳+ *=====================================* Labor ^ *This box to the left is the standard * Exhaust ^ * 'Menu Mode' for CJPOS to do a sale * Emissions _ *=====================================* Brakes _ Tuneup _ Misc Stuff ~ +陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳+ + SKU Number Entry 陳+ *=====================================* *This box to the left is the optional * *'SKU Entry' for CJPOS. Direct entry * * of a part's SKU Number is used. If * +陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳+ * the SKU Number is a barcode then * * that barcode can be scanned in. * *=====================================* 様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 Help F1 - Viewing/searching of this file 陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳 SKU Search - CTRL+S 陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳 This function allows the user to search the parts database by one of three methods: 1. Description Search - Enter several letters of an items' description to search for. 2. SKU Number Search - Part of a SKU number can be sought in the items database. 3. Manufacturer Number Search - For items available from multiple vendors, the OEM number can be sought in the parts database. 様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 Estimates 07 様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 Recall Estimate (Ctrl+R) 様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳 +陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳+ Estimate Number +陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳+ +陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳+ Customer Name +陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳+ +陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳+ List All +陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳+ 陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳 For the retrieval of saved estimated several methods are allowed. Direct number entry, provide none to several letters of the customer last name, & finally a list of all estimates in the system by number. Once retrieved the estimate is on screen like any invoice. Estimates are NOT deleted until they are converted to invoices. Undesired estimates can be removed by: 1) Recall the estimate. 2) Screen appears with option to continue with estimate load or to Delete the estimate. If the 'List All' option or Name 様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 Save Estimate (Ctrl+O) 様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 A customer quote can be saved as an estimate for later recall and finalizing. Incomplete invoices could also can be saved as estimates. The estimate feature is especially useful for a large invoice; any modifications to the customer's original quote can be performed after recalling, modifying, & resaving the estimate. Therefore when the customer appears on the premises, the estimate is recalled, tender method is asked, & the invoice printed the customer does not have to wait while you finalize their bill. Important to the the Estimate Parts Required report in the Reporting menu is how the estimate is saved. Several options are presented - You can save the quote for reference (Save Only), Approved - parts required for jobs appear on the Estimate parts report, Or as Completed - waiting for customer to pick up their purchase/service. 様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 Work Order Information (Ctrl+I) 様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 Attached to a customer quote, an original 'Complaint' or the reason the customer needs service. An Estimate saved with only a 'Complaint' is considered a Work Order or Repair Order. Recalling this order and attaching parts and services to it will convert it to an Estimate. The orginal work order complaint is carried thru to the final invoice and saved with that invoice. Adjust 08 様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 Main Estimates Adjust Customer Reports Inventory Brookpark Certifie+陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳+aturday 060395 11:51 PM +陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳頂 Item Qty or Price 債陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳+ Department D Labor Price Qty Total +陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳頂 Discount Single Item 債陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳+ Employee Discounts Total Price / Discount Cancel Invoice +陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳+ 浜様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 The Adjust menu above presents several choices to adjust the invoice or estimate that is loaded on screen. 藩様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 * 'Item Qty or Price' allows the quantity adjustment of line item, adjust the price each, or the total line price. If the total line price is less than the original then a 'D' will appear next to the price each indicating a Discount. Pressing 'DELete' will remove the line entirely. * 'Labor' option will change either the total hours or the total price for that service, adjusting the hours accordingly. Presently the only way to change the demo labor rates is to use a dBASE file browser (available to all registered users). * 'Discount Single Item' will apply a discount to just one line of the invoice. If chosen more than once the system will record the sum total discount. * 'Employee Discounts' are for those businesses whom allow employee purchases & provide a discount. The DISCOUNT.DBF controls the type & amount of discounts. (dBase browser needed to modify) * 'Total Price / Discount' applies selected discount to the entire receipt. Total Price will back figure the taxes & discounts to arrive at the final gross price. * Single line items/labors can be set to non-taxable or non-PST or non-GST using this 'Adjust' menu in "Item Qty or Price" or "Labor". * Cancel Invoice will clear the screen of the current invoice. Customer 09 様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 Main Estimates Adjust Customer Reports Inventory Brookpark Certified Auto R+陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳+ 060395 11 53 PM +陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳頂 Information 債陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳+ Department Description History ce Qty Total +陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳頂 Add New 債陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳+ +陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳+ 様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 Information 様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 Customer information provides a quick lookup of general customer information. The customer information can be modified here as well as undesired names removed from the system. * Customer/Estimate Notes can be accessed by pressing 'F8' in customer information screen. The screen below is an example. +陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳+ + CUSTOMER INFORMATION ++ Save &Exit: F5 First Name [Chris/Cindy ] Last Name [Ryba ] Address 1 [5413 East 131st Street ] Address 2 [ ] ZIP Code [44125 ] State [OH ] City [Garfield Hts ] Home Phone [587-15xx ] Work Phone [216-587-1590 ] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- +-Customer Extended Information ------------------- Make Model [87 Grand Am ] Customer # 1383 Engine [2.5L 4 cylinder ] Mileage [97,625 ] VIN Code [_____ ] LTD Sales $ 208.06 Pager # [ ] Cust. Tax Category [Standard 7 % Tax ] +-------------------------------------------------- F8 - Notes F3 - Cust. Credit Information +陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳+ 浜様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様融 The last four items in the example above Make &Model, Engine, Mileage, and VIN Code can be changed to your specific needs in 'System Setup' The Tax Category can be set to the store tax rate or non-taxable. For those with more than one tax category contact Cuyahoga Computing. 藩様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様夕 Customer 10 様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 Cust. Credit Information 様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 The customer can be further configured in the credit information area. If 'House Charge' is unchecked (press spacebar), then any invoice for this customer cannot be put on to a house account (Accounts Receiveable). Likewise unchecking 'Allow Checks' will disable checks as a choice at tendering. The 'Maximum Credit Amt' will set a maximum limit for a house charges for the customer. A zero (0.00) value is no limit. The 'Customer Balance' will allow account adjustments - either issuing a store credit/due bill (negative value) OR for initial customer account receiveable balance (positive value). The 'Bill To Account' will charge another customer number for any account charges by the current customer. This feature is usefull for fleet or multi- location businesses that bill to one address. To use the 'Bill To..' type in several letters of the account being billed. Then select from list if more than one match. + Customer Credit Information ---------------------------------------------+ Bill To Account: [X] Allow House Charge [SAME AS ABOVE ] +------------------------------------+ [X] Allow Checks 該 Maximum Credit Amt : [ 0.00 ] _ 該 Customer Balance [ 0.00 ] +------------------------------------+ +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Customer 11 様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 History 様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 First recall the customer using one of three methods: 'Last Name' , 'Phone Number' or 'Customer Number' For example, select the customer desired by using the 'Last Name' option. In the case below the letters 'RYB' were entered and Ted Ryba was selected from the customer list. The next screen appears with the date prompt. It was changed to '010193' which is the earliest possible date on this install. The exact date is not neccesary. The report was then generated to the screen. Hitting 'F5' will print it. EXAMPLE: 浜様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様融 Customer Purchase History For Ted Ryba Saturday, 060395 藩様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様夕 ========== INVOICE # 652 ========== Saturday , 050893 ============ Lifetime Metallic Pads MX7136 1.000 43.95 Resurface disc rotor **** 1.000 9.00 Disc Brake Rotors 60678512 1.000 39.88 Install new front disc brake pads .600 18.00 Replace left front disc rotor .000 .00 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TENDER TOTAL $ 118.59 ~~~~~ ========== INVOICE # 891 ========== Tuesday , 081093 ============ Power Brake Booster *used* 1.000 75.00 R & R power brake booster. 1.500 51.00 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TENDER TOTAL $ 134.82 ~~~~~ ========== INVOICE # 2568 ========== Monday , 050195 ============ Resurface Disc Rotor Each 2.000 18.00 Check high idle. Clean idle air control passage. .200 8.00 R & I front calipers to turn rotors. .600 21.00 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TENDER TOTAL $ 50.29 ~~~~~ =============== GROSS SALES TOTAL SINCE 010193 : $ 303.70 ============= 様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 Add New 様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 Allows the addition of customers to the system. Normally the customer database is appended during the course of a sale. Reports 12 様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 Daily Sales 様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 The daily sales totals can be viewed & printed. The 'Options' on the Daily Reports screen allows for printing current sales date, view/print a previous sales date, or creating a summary report of sales for any date period as well. For the example below to create the summary 'Range Of Sales Dates' was selected. Then enter the desired date range was entered. In this case 030195 was first, then 033195 to do a report for March '95. It does not matter if the beginning date was not an actual sales day. 'Options' was chosen again, then 'Print Current Totals' to print the on screen report. When the summary report is generated a SALE_DAY.OUT file will be created for export to an outside source using the export method selected in 'System Setup'. The above can also be accomplished by running the 'Sales Total Report' of the Reporting Menu. EXAMPLE: 浜様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様融 Summary of Daily Sales Wednesday , 030195 TO Thursday , 033095 藩様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様夕 CASH $ 9,124.27 CHECK $ 8,579.72 Visa / MasterCard $ 3,368.14 Discover $ 57.31 American Express $ 771.20 House Charge $ 0.00 Store Coupon $ 0.00 浜様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様融 REGISTER TOTAL REVENUES $ 21,900.64 藩様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様夕 ***** Register Sales Detail ***** GROSS SALES $ 21,900.64 TAX EXEMPT SALES $ 512.01 陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳 SALE REFUNDS $ 0.00 SALES TAX $ 1,405.95 FEES $ 93.80 VOIDS $ 0.00 陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳 CASH PAYOUTS 86$ 2,593.94 OTHER PAYOUTS $ 0.00 浜様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様融 REGISTER NET SALES $ 20,400.89 REGISTER BANK DEPOSIT $ 19,306.70 藩様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様夕 Reports 13 様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 Reporting Menu 様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 Several choices are presented here: 1. Vendor List - Create a list of the vendors loaded into the system. The on screen report can be printed using 'F5'. The Vendor list can be narrowed to a range of names if desired. 2. Sales By Hour - A listing of the total sales by hour for the range of dates chosen. The end of the report provides a summary for the date range selected. 3. Invoice Summary - A listing of every invoice number for the range of dates specified. Details include invoice total, taxes, type of tender, and type of Sale. 4. Invoice Detail - A by invoice listing of the items/labors sold during the range of dates specified. Customer Name is included. 5. Reorder Report - A scan by the system thru the entire store's inventory to locate any items that need to be re-ordered. 6. Receiving Log Report - A log of items received from vendors during a range of dates. The report can be a summary only with the vendors' names and the amount of purchase OR the report can include the items purchased. 7. Sales Total Report - The same report as the printed Daily Sales Totals report for a range of dates. 8. Profit/Loss Report - A report that summarizes the sales and costs of each department, and the Payouts by reason. Net profit or loss is shown by Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) and by Sales less expenses. 9. Employee Commissions - Summary of sales by employee and their commission amount if commision is set greater than 0 % 10. Non-Taxable Sales - A report listing every customer with a tax exempt sale for the range of days specified. 11. Layaway Account List - A report listing every outstanding Layaway Account with customer's name, amount purchased, and balance due for pickup. 12. Accounts Receivable List - Every open Store Account charge is listed with the total amount of original invoice and balance due. This report also lists any Store Credit liabilities outstanding. Reports 14 様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 Reporting Menu 様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 13. Estimates Parts Required - Any estimates that have been approved and the parts required for those jobs is listed. The report also informs if the parts need to be ordered. 14. Estimate/Work Order List - A report which lists every estimate by type - Approved, Completed, or Saved Only. The customer details, total amount, and date written are printed. ***** FURTHER INVENTORY REPORTS ARE ACCESSED THRU THE INVENTORY MENU ***** Reports 15 様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 Sales Analysis 様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 The choices presented are the following: +陳陳+ ++ +陳陳+ +陳陳+ +陳陳陳++陳陳+ ++ +陳陳+ +陳陳+ +陳陳+ +陳+ ++ ++ +陳陳+ +陳+ ++ ++ +陳+ ++ +陳陳+ ++ 査 +陳+ +陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳+ +_ Product Sales Analysis ++ 査 +陳陳+ +陳+ +陳+ 査 ++ +陳陳+ +陳陳+ +陳陳+ +陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳+ 債陳+ +陳陳+ +陳陳+ ++ Select Method Of Analysis 債陳+ +陳陳陳+ +陳+ 査 +陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳+ ++ +陳+ 査 +陳+ 査 +陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳+ +陳+ +陳+ +陳+ 査 All Departments ++ +陳+ +陳陳+ +陳陳+ +陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳+ 債陳陳+ +陳陳+ +陳陳+ +陳陳+ +陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳+ 債陳陳+ +陳陳+ +陳陳+ ++ By Associate 債陳陳+ +陳陳+ +陳+ 査 +陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳+ ++ +陳+ 査 +陳+ 査 +陳+ +陳+ +陳+ +陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳+ ++ +陳+ 様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 The 'All Departments' choice will sum all items independent of who was the seller whereas the 'By Associate' summary will group items sold by each employee. After summary method is chosen, next is desired dates: 様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 査 ++ +陳陳+ ++ +陳 +陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳+ +_ All Department Product Totals ++ +陳陳+ +陳+ +陳+ 査 ++ +陳陳+ +陳陳+ +陳陳+ +陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳+ 債陳陳+ +陳陳 +陳陳+ ++ Select Dates For Analysis 債陳陳+ +陳陳 +陳+ 査 +陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳+ ++ +陳 査 +陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳+ +陳陳+ +陳+ +陳+ 査 Single Date ++ +陳陳+ +陳陳+ +陳陳+ +陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳+ 債陳陳+ +陳陳 +陳+ 査 +陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳+ ++ +陳 査 Range of Days +陳 査 +陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳+ +陳陳+ +陳陳+ +陳陳+ +陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳+ 債陳陳+ +陳陳 +陳陳+ ++ Sales Week 債陳陳+ +陳陳 +陳+ 査 +陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳+ ++ +陳 +陳+ +陳+ +陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳+ ++ +陳陳+ +陳陳+ +陳陳+ ++ +陳陳+ +陳陳陳++陳陳+ +陳陳+ ++ +陳陳+ +陳陳 様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 The screen above enables the report to run for any time period. Once the date/date range is inputed, report processing will begin. The next pages contain an example Sales Analysis report. Reports 16 様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 After the Sales Analysis report is generated, pressing 'F5' prints the onscreen report. (NOTE: In this example the actual report was longer) 浜様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様融 PRODUCT TOTALS Sunday, 043095 TO Saturday, 050695 藩様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様夕 ===== Labor ================================================= TOTAL == R & I 2.70 Hrs. $ 108.00 Diagnose 0.50 Hrs. $ 20.00 Repair 1.80 Hrs. $ 73.00 Check antifreeze for protection level. 0.00 Hrs. $ 0.00 Remove & replace 8.10 Hrs. $ 323.00 Remove & install 2.90 Hrs. $ 116.00 MISC 4.70 Hrs. $ 188.00 R & I flywheel for resurfacing. 0.30 Hrs. $ 12.00 Remove carburetor rebuild with new float. 3.40 Hrs. $ 136.00 Diagnose nostart condition. 1.00 Hrs. $ 40.00 ===== Exhaust =============== QTY ==== TOTAL SOLD ===== MARGIN == 陳陳 Tailpipe 陳陳 6T8107 1 $ 29.95 133.1 % 陳陳 Clamps 陳陳 HPC200 2 $ 2.38 221.6 % HPC225 3 $ 3.75 220.5 % ===== Engine =============== QTY ==== TOTAL SOLD ===== MARGIN == 陳陳 Camshaft Timing Belt 陳陳 40067 1 $ 22.79 174.6 % 陳陳 Remanufact. Water Pump 陳陳 1738 1 $ 42.95 107.0 % 陳陳 Trust Oil Filter 陳陳 PH16 1 $ 4.95 153.8 % 陳陳 Oil Pressure Switch 陳陳 S384 1 $ 7.75 129.3 % 陳陳 Complete Engine 陳陳 *USED*E15* 1 $ 615.00 35.2 % ===== Tuneup =============== QTY ==== TOTAL SOLD ===== MARGIN == 陳陳 Ignition Wire Set 陳陳 700244 1 $ 49.89 110.7 % 陳陳 Distributor Cap 陳陳 C244 1 $ 13.54 100.0 % 陳陳 Magnetic Pickup Coil 陳陳 ME54 1 $ 14.58 100.0 % Reports 17 様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 ******* Department Totals ******** Labor $ 7,577.73 190.06 Hrs. ---------------------------------- Engine $ 5,677.33 Cost of Goods $ 3,934.02 44.3 % ---------------------------------- Cost of Goods $ 254.47 130.7 % Discount $ 2.01 ---------------------------------- Fuel System $ 334.80 Cost of Goods $ 168.81 98.3 % Discount $ 11.07 ---------------------------------- Trans & Axle $ 244.60 Cost of Goods $ 114.43 113.8 % 浜様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様融 SALE ANALYSIS NET SALES $ 20,298.24 COST OF GOODS SOLD $ 7,637.66 -------------------------------------- PROFIT $ 12,660.58 藩様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様夕 * - Denotes An In Stock Item *M - Denotes a Miscellaneous Item Reports 18 様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 Monthly Reports 様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 The Monthly Reports option is set of reports that can be run for range of days and then printed. When this option is selected, a set of reports is displayed. First enter the date range for the group of reports. Then use tab move the report list. Toggle your selection of which reports to run by pressing the spacebar on the highlighted report. When finished with choosing which reports, use the tab key to move to the 'Start' button. The system will then generate all of the selected reports to files. Once the system is done generating the report files, the files will be sent to your printer. Inventory 様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 Main Estimates/WO's Adjust Customer Reports Inventory Accounting Your Company Name REG #1 Wedn敖陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳朕 敖陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳 Create Purchase Order 劃 Department Description Part # Received Merchandise 青陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳 Receive/Order Log 劃 団陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳調 Categry/Departmnt Update DEPARTMENTS Item Names/ On Hand Qty 敖陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳朕 Change Price / Cost Labor  Locatn/Order Point-Amt Brakes Stock Printing Options Electrical SKU Sets Emissions 青陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳潰 様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 Create Purchase Order 様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 The Purchase Order option will enable you to create a Purchase Order from a vendor. The vendor must be already loaded into the system (see Vendor Information under the Accounting Menu). Enter the items for the purchase order by either the Menu mode or SKU Entry mode. The system will prompt for your selling price, the quantity ordered, and the total cost of the purchase for that item from the vendor. Once you are finished entering all the items for the order, press 'END' to save and print the order. When the order is received, process and post the order using the 'Received Merchandise' option of the Inventory menu. 様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 Received Merchandise 様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 Merchandise received from a vendor is processed thru this option. If the merchandise was from a Purchase Order, use the 'P.O. Received' sub-option to recall the the original order. Any items quantity or cost can be adjusted using the 'Adjust' menu. You can also add any additional items if needed. Likewise the 'Vendor Drop Ship' sub-option will let you process the received merchandise by entering the items in using the either Menu mode or SKU Entry mode. When finished, use 'END' to post the shipment to inventory. For Vendor Drop Shipments the vendor will need to be chosen. Any payout expenses such as shipping can be added from Receiving screen. The 'POST' button will complete the transaction by adjusting inventory counts, purchase cost, and selling price. A report will then be printed. Inventory 19 様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 Receive/Order Log 様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 The Receiving Log screen will present a list of all receiving/ordering transactions beginning at the date specified. The list can be narrowed to one type of transaction; i.e., CVPO - Created Purchase Orders, RVDP- Vendor Drop Shipments, etc. Any open purchase order (CVPO) can be recalled/posted by highlighting the desired one from the list and pressing enter. 様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 Categry/Department Update 様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 +陳陳陳陳陳陳陳+ Select Department +陳陳陳陳陳陳陳+ +陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳+ Labor - Exhaust - Front End _ Engine _ Trans & Axle _ Electrical _ Tuneup - +陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳+ +陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳+ F3: To Add A Department F4: Modify Department Name +陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳+ +陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳 Departments can be deleted thru CTRL+K in Modify Department/Category. Highlight the department that you want to delete. 'F3' will add completely new department the system. There is a limit of 99 departments. Businesses that don't perform/charge for services or labor should use the default 'Item Type' department. After any department addition the system will have to be restarted. Pressing 'F4' will just change the name of department itself. To proceed to category modification, press enter on the desired department. Next a speadsheet type listing of each category that matches that department will be loaded on screen. ------------------------------------------------------------------- LABOR TYPE DEPARTMENTS ------------------------------------------------------------------- If a "Labor" type department is selected then the canned descriptions will appear on screen. For example: +陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳 +_ LABOR : ++ Edit +陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳+ 査 Labor Description Hrs Categ 査 +陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳+ Adjust 0100 Check antifreeze for protection level. 000 0100 Cut muffler off welded system & replace .400 0100 MIG weld 1.000 0100 Install engine assembly into car & test. 4.700 0200 Press Enter to Change * ESCape When Finished +陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳+ Inventory 20 様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 Categry/Department Update, cont. -------------------------------- Canned Labor descriptions can be expanded to multiple-lines with the selection of one canned labor. The expanded description can be saved for future use or modified later. Editing of the expanded description is *ONLY* allowed within the normal receipt writing screen. Use 'CTRL+D' or Select 'Delete Row' from the ALT+E menu to delete a labor service on the *CURRENT ROW* that has the red box. ------------------------------------------------------------------- ITEM TYPE DEPARTMENTS ------------------------------------------------------------------- When editing the category names of "Item Type" departments the screen below will appear. The names of the categories for this department can then be changed. Pressing 'F2' allows the addition of a new category. +陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳+ +_ EXHAUST : ++ Edit +陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳+ 査 Exhaust Description Department 査 +陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳+ Bolts & Nuts 02 Brackets / Hangers 02 Gasket 02 Press Enter to Change * ESCape When Finished +陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳+ 様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 Items Names/On Hand Qty 様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 Selecting this option will display the screen below. The 'Stock Count' column is for adjustments to 'On Hand Qty'. Enter your physical inventory count in the 'Stock Count' & when the category is saved the 'Stock Count' will replace the 'On Hand'. Future releases will provide a variance report after stock counts. Use the 'Stock Printing Options', 'On Hand / Cost of Stock' to print a report of physical on hand inventory & the carrying cost of that inventory. +陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳+ +_ Inventory : Items Names / Qty ++ +陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳+ +_ EXHAUST : Bolts & Nuts ++ Edit +陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳+ 査 Part # Description On Hand Qty Stock Count 査 +陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳+ 0 0 1/4"x1" 0 0 1/4"x11/2" 0 0 10x1.25x25MM 0 0 Inventory 21 様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 Change Price / Cost 様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 This screen below shows several important columns. The CJPOS system allows multiple pricing; the 'Sell Price' is the total line item price. For example, the store sells 2 wombats for $ 19.99. The 'Qty @' column would have a '2' in it. The 'Price' column would have '19.99'. If the wombats cost the store $ 3 each then the 'Cost' would be '6.00'. The 'Markup' displays the markup % over cost; if the cost is 0 then the Markup is *UNDEF* or 'undefined'.(It would be an infinite markup otherwise) +陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳+ +_ Inventory : Change Price / Cost ++ EXHAUST : Bolts & Nuts ++ Edit +陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳+ 査 Part # Description Qty@ Price Cost Markup 査 +陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳+ 1 0.00 0.00 *UNDEF* 1/4"x1" 1 .39 0.08 487.5% 1/4"x11/2" 1 .49 0.09 544.4% wombats 2 19.99 6.00 333.2% +陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳+ Pressing ALT+E will provide a drop down menu allowing for the following choices: ADD NEW - F2 Add new items to the current department & category. DELETE ROW - CTRL+D Remove an item on the *CURRENT ROW* that has the red box. SAVE Save current changes now but don't exit REFRESH SCREEN - F5 Repaints the screen UNIVERSAL PRICE UPDATE - CTRL+U If you experience a price increase for all the items in the current category then you can enter all the new costs for each item first. Afterwards select this option and the system will ask for the markup % for the items and a 'rounding value'. The rounding value is what digits you want the price to end in. If you want your prices to end with .88 put in .88 as the rounding value. The system will then adjust all the prices using the cost and markup% and make each price end with the 'rounding value'. The price will be at least the markup % value but can be higher to meet the rounding value. Inventory 22 様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 Order Points / Order Amts. 様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 This option works with the 'Stock Printing Options' in determining the stock items to be printed. Those stock items which you normally order from a warehouse but need in the POS system database would have a 'Reorder Point' of 1 (anything less than zero). These nonstocked items are treated as 'dont care' by inventory print reports and will not be printed if you chose not to. The 'Reorder Amount' & 'Vendor' will used by future releases to automatically create a purchase order from the vendor to replenish stock. EXAMPLE: +陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳+ +_ MISC STUFF : Cleaning Chemicals ++ Edit +陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳+ 査 Part # Description Reorder Point Reorder Amount Vendor 査 +陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳+ 0 0 0 Brake Clean 0 0 0 Carb Spray 0 0 0 Inventory 23 様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 Stock Printing Options 様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 Selecting 'Inventory', 'Stock Printing Options' from the top menu bar presents a department list of "Item Type" departments. Once the department is chosen a box such as below appears: +陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳+ +_ ++ Print All Categories In Exhaust ? +陳陳陳陳+ +陳陳陳陳+ Yes No +陳陳陳陳+ +陳陳陳陳+ +陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳+ The POS system provides a choice of printing an entire department or just a single category within that department. If 'No' is selected above all the categories for that department appear & a choice is made. Then several stock inventory print options are presented. These Options Are: A. On Hand / Cost Of Stock B. Stock Prices / Costs C. Reordering Information D. Location / Stock Count Sheet For cases A,C, or D, a box will appear: +陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳+ +_ INVENTORY ON HAND ++ Print Only Items With ReOrder Points Greater Than 1 ? +陳陳陳陳+ +陳陳陳陳+ Yes No +陳陳陳陳+ +陳陳陳陳+ +陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳+ The system will treat items that have a ReOrder point of less than zero as "don't cares". Choosing 'Yes' above will only print those items that you wish to maintain regularly or actually stock in the store. The following examples display what data fields each report will actually print. Inventory 24 様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 A. On Hand / Cost Of Stock Report 様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 浜様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様融 Stock On Hand Quantity, Exhaust Saturday, 060395 藩様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様夕 ===== Extension Pipe (2166) ===== SKU Number Description Last Sold On Hand Extd Cost 陳陳陳陳陳津陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳津陳陳陳陳陳田陳陳陳陳津陳陳陳陳陳 20001014 1E4260 010180 0 N/A 20001015 1E4262 IPC 010180 1 12.88 20001060 1E6236 010180 0 N/A 20001061 1E6252 010180 0 N/A 20001017 4E5145 (S) 010180 1 7.45 20001046 4E6105 010180 0 N/A 20001051 4E6123 (H) 010180 0 N/A 20001076 4E6508 (S) 010180 1 10.20 20001077 4E6510 (S) 010180 1 9.80 20001010 5E3089 010180 0 N/A 20001038 5E5836 010180 0 N/A 20001013 6E4254 (S) 010180 1 7.80 20001020 6E5378 010180 0 N/A 20001044 6E5898 010180 1 11.20 20001045 6E6102 010180 1 10.10 20001055 6E6144 010180 1 9.95 20001031 7E5561 (S) 010180 2 33.40 20001032 7E5773 010180 0 N/A 20001059 8E6232 IPC 010180 0 N/A 陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳 Report Total Value of On Hand Items $ 6,365.50 The above report would provide the store with it's inventory cost for this entire department or optionally only a single category. The extended cost 'Extd Cost' is a product of the 'On Hand' column multipied with the unit's average cost. The average cost is calculated from current on hand amount and the any new stock cost, providing a value used in figuring the cost of goods sold. Average cost 'smooths' fluctuating supplier prices for your stock. Inventory 25 様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 B. Stock Prices / Costs Report 様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 浜様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様融 Stock Prices & Cost Exhaust Saturday, 060395 藩様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様夕 ===== Bolts & Nuts ===== SKU Number Description Qty @ Price Line Cost 陳陳陳陳陳陳津陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳津陳陳陳田陳陳陳陳陳津陳陳陳陳 20019007 1/4"x1" 1 .39 .08 20019008 1/4"x11/2" 1 .49 .09 20019051 10x1.25x25MM 1 2.04 .68 20019070 12338137 2.8 1 1.36 .80 20019076 3/8" Nut 1 .39 .09 20019023 7/16" nut 1 .53 .25 20019021 7/16"x11/2" 1 .91 .14 WOMBAT2FER wombats 2 19.99 6.00 陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳 This Stock Prices & Cost report shows the single unit cost of the item. The CJPOS system allows multiple pricing but the 'Line Cost' is equal to: Line Cost=$cost of 1 *'Qty @'. For example, the store sells 2 wombats for $ 19.99. The 'Qty @' column would have a '2' in it. The 'Price' column would have '19.99'. If the wombats cost the store $ 3 each then the 'Line Cost' would have a '6'. 様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 C. Reordering Information 様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 浜様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様融 Stock Reordering Information For Springs Saturday, 060395 藩様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様夕 ===== MOOG Rear Cargo Coils ===== SKU Number Description Vendor Order Pnt On Hand Order Amt 陳陳陳陳陳津陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳津陳陳陳陳田陳陳陳陳陳田陳陳陳津陳陳陳陳 60001048 CC807 0 1 0 4 60001049 CC811 0 1 0 4 60001053 CC821 0 1 0 4 陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳 ===== Rear Spring Shackle Kit ===== 陳陳陳陳陳津陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳津陳陳陳陳田陳陳陳陳陳田陳陳陳津陳陳陳陳 60006003 3" Ford 0 1 0 4 60006001 Left Rear 0 1 0 4 陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳 ===== Rear Leaf Springs ===== 陳陳陳陳陳津陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳津陳陳陳陳田陳陳陳陳陳田陳陳陳津陳陳陳 60009003 Blazer 41 0 1 2 4 60009004 Blazer 51 0 1 0 4 60009006 Suburban 51 0 1 0 4 陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳 This report can be used to determine what items the store needs to order. In future releases the system will use this report to create a purchase order from a vendor. When the vendor's shipment is received the file will be recalled similar to a job estimate. After any adjustments (cost, qty) the order would be committed and the stock levels raised appropiately. Inventory 26 様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 D. Stock Location/Inventory Count 様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 浜様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様融 Stock Location/Inventory Count, Heat/Cooling Wednesday, 05/01/96 藩様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様夕 陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳 ===== Blower Motor ===== SKU Number Description Last Stock Location On Hand Count 陳陳陳陳陳陳津陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳津陳陳陳陳陳田陳陳陳陳陳田陳陳陳陳 130091 _______________________ 11/23/95 _____ __________ 130091 209099 12/07/95 _____ __________ 130091 209110 01/26/96 _____ __________ 130091 209130 11/23/95 _____ __________ 130091 Cage *USED* 12/12/95 _____ __________ 陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳 SKU Sets/Kits 陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳 This new feature allows the grouping of items into 'SKU Sets' in which any number of items/services can be recalled using a single SKU Set number. To build a SKU Set: 1) Put the desired group of items/services on screen. 2) Select 'SKU Sets' from Inventory menu. 3) Press F2 to add the items on screen to this new set. The system will ask for a description of the SKU Set; then select if the Set description is to appear on screen with items OR to just list the items themselves. An overall price can be entered for the set next. Finally the SKU Set reference number is entered for recalling the set while writing invoices. Select 'SKU Sets' from the Departments box or use the SKU Entry mode -(Press F10)- to enter this set number. System Setup 27 様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 Overall System Setup 様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 ----------------------------------------- Screen # 1 ----------------------------------------- Basic store/company information on this first screen. Two lines on the receipt are provided for address; Address # 1 and # 2. Maximum length is 40 characters for Company Receipt Name and the address lines. Company phone number is a maximum of 16 characters. ----------------------------------------- Screen # 2 ----------------------------------------- First, the tax rates for your locality. If your area does not tax labor, then enter a ' 0 '. The "G.S.T. Rate" is for Canadian users; enter a '7' here. The "Customer Default State" would be your state or province; the letters entered there are used when a new customer is added. The "Consumables Charge" is a surcharge on all items & Labor in a sale. This is sometimes also known as a 'Shop Charge'. The "Labor Unit Description" is normally 'Hrs.' unless in your business you might use 'Days' space rental would be an example. The "Associate Commission" will be used in a future report. ----------------------------------------- Screen # 3 ----------------------------------------- The 1st, 2nd, & 3rd "Markup Rate" are used by the system when adding new items to the system database. These values provide an approximate selling price for new items. These values are only there to aid you in calculating your retail price. Here is a suggestion: If you are adding a lot of items in a certain department then change the markup amounts here in 'Setup' while you are adding. This way you won't need a calculator at your side while you add. The "Next Invoice #", "Next Estimate #", "Next Layaway #" are the numbers printed on their respective receipts. CAUTION: THE POS CANNOT HANDLE TWO SEPARATE RECEIPTS WITH THE SAME INVOICE NUMBER. This feature should only be used to match your current invoice number or to start invoices at a higher number; only go higher. 'Suggested Layaway %' will determine the suggested percentage down for Layaway setups, calculating a dollar amount on the total sale. The 'Minimum Layaway Down %' sets the floor for Layaway down payments. A setting of '0' will disable this feature. If your company uses a Consumables or Shop Charge Fee the minimum/ maximum amounts on this charge can be set here. A '0' will disable this feature. System Setup 28 様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 Overall System Setup 様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 ----------------------------------------- Screen # 4 ----------------------------------------- The "Bank Name" and "Bank Account #" will be used in future releases for gift certificate and check validation. The 'Disc. Amt Req. Mngr' sets the ceiling for discounts/price adjustments allowed before a Manager must give his/her password. Likewise 'Void/Ret. Amt Req.' sets the maximum void or return/exchange sale before a manager must login to give a password. The "Estimate Days Purge" is not yet implemented but will be for removing saved estimates after a specified number of days. A setting of '0' will disable this feature. The widths values "Department Desc. Width", "Category Desc. Width", and "SKU / Item Desc. Width" control the appearance of the receipt, screen, and data entry. The default width settings are: 陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳 Department Description Width - 12 * Maximum value is 12, Minimum=0 Category Description Width - 24 * Maximum value is 24, Minimum=0 SKU/Items Description Width - 12 * Maximum value is 30, Minimum=4 SKU # Display Width - 0 * Maximum value is 14, Minimum=0 陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳 THE SUM OF WIDTH VALUES CANNOT EXCEED 48. This allows the user to customize their install. Changing the 'Department' value to zero eliminates the department name from each line on the receipt and screen; freeing up space for the category & item descriptions. If using the SKU # for reference on receipts, then change the SKU # display width to a value of your longest SKU #. System Setup 29 様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 Overall System Setup 様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 Screen # 5 The "Caption For Quotes" is the message printed on estimates after the customer information. The "Department Caption", "Category Caption", "Item Caption" and the "Quantity Caption" can be changed to headings best fitting your particular type of business. These headings appear on the screen in the exact position they occupy on a printed receipt. Important to businesses using the customer information capture are the headings for extended customer information. Four fields are allowed, with the "Customer Descript #1" being the largest (30 characters) and can be assigned as uniquely important on the next screen. As an example, the beta tester of the POS system has "Customer Descript #1" defined as 'Make & Model'. For automotive related shops like his this feature allows for customers to have multiple vehicles. The other descriptions numbers 2 thru 4 can used to provide additional information. The maximum amount of characters in these descriptions is 20. Screen #6 The "Customer Phone #1" and "Customer Phone #2" are normally setup as 'Home Phone' and 'Work Phone' respectively. The words entered here will appear on the customer information capture screen. "Postal Caption" and "State Caption" can be changed from 'ZIP Code' & 'State' to 'Postal Code' & 'Province' for Canadian users. The 'Customer Descript #5' and 'Customer Descript #6' is additional fields for customer information. These fields will *ONLY BE SHOWN IF TURNED ON IN SYSTEM CONTROL SWITCHES* . The seconds before the CJPOS screen saver comes due to inactivity can be set here as well. A setting of '0' will disable the feature. The 'Manager Security Lvl' sets the employee security level for managers. This setting is used for Void/Return and Discount Amount password check. A '3' is an Assistant Manager and '4' is a Manager. The Export File Delimiter is for the *.OUT files the system creates. This feature enables data exchange with spreadsheet programs such as Excel or Quicken. System Setup 30 様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 Receipt Printer Setup 様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 Select the port which the printer is attached. For serial printers, use MODE COMx: 9600, N,8,1 before trying to print. This command should be in the systems' AUTOEXEC.BAT file. Selecting [X] Graphics Mode Boxes will create 'fancier' receipts using the ASCII graphics character set BUT usually it does take longer to print the invoice. The [X] Enable Italics Mode is mainly for Epson compatible printers for using an italicized heading for estimates/quotes. Some printers will not allow for this mode and print garbage for your 'Caption for Quotes' or estimate printouts. The [X] Use Condensed Print choice is set only if a halfwide receipt is desired. Usually this feature is used in conjunction with the (*) 40 Column receipt mode. A full page receipt would be (*) 80 Columns. Use Generic Printer first. A PRINTERS.EXE for creating your print codes is available from Cuyahoga Computing. 様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 Report Printer Setup 様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 Select the port which the printer is attached. Selecting [X] Graphics Mode Boxes will create 'fancier' reports using the ASCII graphics character set BUT usually it does take longer to print the report. Use Generic Printer first. A PRINTERS.EXE for creating your print codes is available from Cuyahoga Computing. System Setup 31 様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 System Control Switches 様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 Each of the following are marked or unmarked using the spacebar. A 'Yes' will enable the "switch". 陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳 * Multiple First Desc. Customer : Determines if the POS will prompt & store a customer twice or more if their "Customer Descript #1" are different. Example: Customer owns two different car models. * Breakdown Labor/Items by Mechanic : Allows for more than one employee to be credited with sale; prompting the cashier to assign each individual for items sold on the invoice. * Allow Layaway Sales : Allows the handling of layaway transactions. * Allow Employee Sales : Future release will have provisions for handling employee sales as a separate transaction type. Currently this switch will turn Employee discounts on/off. * Capture City Postal Codes : Enables ZIP/Postal Capture of Cities/Towns * Cashier Defaults As Salesperson: After tendering an invoice, the employee writing the invoice will be credited will the sale. * Log In Security Required : Require employee/cashier to log in their employee # number after every sale. * Serial Cash Drawer : Allows use of a serial port cash drawer. * Capture Customer Information: Set 'Yes' if gathering customer information. * International Date System dd/mm/yy : System accepts/returns dates using the dd/mm/yy format. Ex: 21 Feb 1996 is 21/02/96. * SKU Entry Mode is Default: The system will normally accept SKU numbers for parts instead of using the menu system of departments, category, and lastly the particular item. * Print Customer Description #1 - #4: Switching any of these to 'No' will allow for data entry but this information will not be printed on the invoice. * Print / Show Customer Description #5-#6: Switching these on will allow for additional customer information to be captured. If they are turned off then these fields will not be displayed. * Combine Customers' First/Last Name: For businesses whose clientele is other businesses then the First and Last Name fields are combined into one of 'Name'. * Prompt for Price on Every Sale: For those users who wish to be able to modify the price as items are entered. Only works in the menu mode of the system. System Setup 32 様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 System Control Switches (cont.) 様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 * PST after GST: For Canadian users located in provinces such as Quebec or Newfoundland whose province taxes on top of GST. * Customer Notification Reminders: For businesses that would like send a 'follow-up' reminder letter to customers after a certain number of days. A variety of reminders can be set up for use. The Windows based CJPOS Reports will be able to use this information and create the reminder letters. * Inform of *.OUT files in Reports: Changing this value to 'No' will prevent the message boxes that pop up when an export file has been created during the generation of a report such as a Sales Summary. * Flat Rate Labor as Default: If your labor charges are not hourly driven then set this value to 'Yes'. The system will use the default hours for this item and multiply that by the first hourly rate to produce a price. The price can be overriden, just like the hours can be in non-flat rate mode. * Accrual Accounting: sets the accounting method used for sales reports. This method affects the way house account charges are handled. * Allow Editing of Previous days' Payouts: Disabling with a 'No' will prevent anyone from changing the payouts from a previous day. * Prompt for Cost: Allows for the items' cost to be changed for every sale. * Use Consumbles % on Items, Labors, Tax: Each switch determines whether to add the consumable % to items, and/or labors, and finally whether to tax this surcharge. * Print Parts' Location: Allows the printing of the bin location of a part. * Prompt Cost for 'Buy Back' Purchases: For businesses who receive inventory from clients. An example would be the purchase of used equipment. Using the Refund/Exchange mode in item entry, the cost of the 'purchase' by your store will be prompted. * Automatically Adjust Price: In receiving/PO mode the price is normally automatically adjusted to reflect any changes in purchase cost. * Prompt for Receipt Trailer on Invoices: Allows the selection of different messages on the bottom of the invoice. * Print Customer Phone #'s on invoices: Enable/Disables the printing of customer work or home phone on invoices. 陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳 様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 Labor Rate Setup 様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 The labor rates in a 'Labor Type' department can be set in this screen. Pressing 'F2' will add a new Labor description and rate; Pressing CTRL+D will delete the current row. You must press enter to edit the current column - description or rate. When finished press 'F5' to save your changes. System Setup 33 様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 Modem / Cash Drawer Setup 様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 If your system has a cash drawer and/or modem attached then you can configure them to work with the CJPOS system. An 'X' in the Modem available box (press spacebar) will allow you to use your computer modem dial up customers for you when you are viewing the customer information screen. The modem port, long distance pre-fix, dialing prefix, and modem initialization string can be entered here. If your system has an electronic cash drawer, first turn on the cash drawer switch in 'System Control Switches.' Then you can select the port to which the drawer is attached and the ASCII string it needs to be opened. 様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 Receipt Messages 様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 For setting up the various messages on the bottom of an invoice. If the Multiple Receipt Messages switch is set to 'Yes' then the system will always pick the 'A' type for the particular invoice unless a 'G' type is added for Charge sales or a 'K' type for Check sales. To add a new type for the particular variety of invoice press 'F2'. The 'F3' option will import a prepared text file such as the LEGALRCP.TXT included on the system. Once editing is complete, press 'F5' to save your changes. 様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 Customer Notifier Codes 様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 If the Customer Notification Reminders switch is set to 'Yes' then a a follow-up reminder can be sent after a certain number of days. The notifier codes determine the reminder message to be printed using the CJPOS Reports for Windows. The reminder code selection is prompted at the end of every sales invoice. Pressing enter on the reminder code listed will allow for editing of the description of this reminder code. The 'Create Custom Note' enables/disables the printing of a message for the particular reminder. Those reminders whose 'Create Custom Note' that are not checked will only print a mailing label. System Setup 34 様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 Extended System Setup 様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 Most of the databases in use by the program are accessible within the POS system. However there are several which can only be modified by using an Xbase browser (This includes Microsoft Excel or Quattro. A BROWSE.EXE is available from Cuyahoga Computing). All of the databases are of dBase III type. To use the BROWSE.EXE, from command prompt: C:\CJPOS>BROWSE and hit enter. When program asks for index just hit enter. Then the following files can be edited. DISCOUNT TYPE is 'E' for Employee disc, 'S' for single Item, 'T' for total invoice discounts. PERCENT is amount for the discount, a DESCRIPTION to describe it. EMPLSTAT Employee status levels used in Employee maintenance and relates to levels set in MENUS.DBF for gaining/denying access to certain program areas. The actual security level is assigned in Employee Maint by using this EMPLSTAT.DBF; i.e. a Manager is gets a SECUR_LEV in EMPLOYEE.DBF of '4' because the STATUS in EMPLSTAT is '4' for a Manager. MENUS Contains security levels (SECURITY field) & enables/disables (ENABLED field) menu options. The value for security coresponds to the SECUR_LEV in the EMPLOYEE.DBF. NOTE: Do not enable an option that is not shown already upon install by changing the 'F' to 'T'. The features disabled are for future releases; no code has been written for them yet & displaying any of these options such as Payroll will do nothing. TENDTYPE This file determines the names of tenders used as well as the total available. The maximum is 14 types. To remove or change credit card surcharges change the SURCHARGE amount to 0 for none or for example a '2' for a 2% surcharge. WEEKCAL File contains a calendar for the fiscal year. The demo file matches the julian year. ZIPCODES This file grows as customers are added. It stores the name of the city when an unknown ZIP /postal code is encountered for the first time. See the PACKING.LST for explanation of other system files. * If the LEGALEST.TXT or LEGALRCP.TXT are removed multiple types of receipt "taglines" can chosen from when a receipt is created. You could create different files for different occasions with this method. * Included are example LEGALEST.TXT, LEGALRCP.TXT files used at an automotive shop. Examine these files and modify to for your application. These files are in ASCII format and using any text editor such as EDIT can modify them. EXAMPLE: C:\CJPOS>EDIT LEGALRCP.TXT and enter. Adding to Inventory 35 様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 The CJPOS system allows the user to add inventory by two methods: 1) Selecting the Inventory Menu & then chosing any of these options: 'Modify Item Names /Qty', 'Change Price / Cost', or 'Order Points / Amount'. Items or categories can be added under any of these three. 2) During the course of a sale, once the department has been chosen using the 'Menu mode'(p.5) entry method a category not in the system can be added. Likewise, once a category has been chosen a new item can also be added to stock. CATEGORY ADDITION 陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳 Under either method of addition, the following screen appears when adding a new category (Press 'F2') after an employee password check: +陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳+ +_ Adding to Heat/Cooling ++ Enter A New Category +陳陳陳陳+ This box is for the OK description of the new +陳陳陳陳+ category being added. +陳陳陳陳+ Up to 24 characters can Cancel be entered here. However, +陳陳陳陳+ if in System Setup the 'Category Desc. Width' +陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳+ (see p.21) is less than 24 only the first Category +陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳+ Desc. Width value will +陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳+ appear on screen. For example the width is set at 10. A category description of '1234567890ABCD' will only show '1234567890'. After the addition of the new category the system informs the user that a miscellaneous item has been added. The miscellaneous items appear as a blank; i.e.: +陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳+ $0.00 +陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳+ If this blank is selected the system prompts for a description and a price during sale. Adding to Inventory 36 様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 ITEM ADDITION 陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳 Similarly, pressing the 'F2' key after a category has been chosen will cause a new item screen to appear. Now a new item will be added in the present category. The description on the new item screen follows a similar constraint of maximum description. In System Setup (see p.21) the 'SKU/Items Desc.Width' controls the actual number of characters that will appear. The absolute maximum is 30 characters. Next is the cost of the new item. Once the cost is entered, suggested markups at that cost will appear on the far right. As the price is entered the system will calculate your current markup% for the new item. To change the suggested markup % see p.20. The new item screen has several more boxes for the following information: * Re-Order Point - If the stock level is at or below this value this item will appear on the Stock 'Reorder Information' report. See pp.17-19. A value of of -1 or less is for non-stocked or 'don't care' items. * Re-Order Amount- Will be used in a future automatic purchase ordering system. * Current Stock Qty - If known, the present stock amount can be entered at this time. * Taxable - Using spacebar the item can be changed from taxable to non-taxable. * Location - A Bin or stock location of the new item. Up to 6 characters such as '23A123'. * SKU Number - A 'Stock Keeping Unit' or reference number for this item. This SKU can be directly entered in the 'SKU Entry' mode; avoiding the pop-up menus (see p.5). Any combination of characters is valid for the sku number. For example the item on the previous page, 'wickett', could have a SKU of 'WICK1' or a SKU of '12345'. Either of these would work. If your plans include using the system with UPC barcodes then the barcode number could be entered or scanned here. Barcodes will only scan if the system is in 'SKU Entry' mode. * Ordering Qty/Packs - The minimum qty or pack for reodering purposes of the item. Will be used in forthcoming purchase order system. * Vendor List - The vendor from which the item is purchased can be selected. If a new vendor, press F2 to add. Otherwise pressing F8 will provide information on the highlighted vendor. ASCII Export Files 37 様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 The CJPOS system will create two ASCII files that can be imported into a spreadsheet program such as Excel or Quicken. They are DAY_SALE.OUT and DEPTTOTL.OUT. The column delimiter - space, comma, or tab - is determined in System Setup (p.22). DAY_SALE.OUT 陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳 This file is created when a 'Daily Sales' (p.10) option of 'Range of Dates' is selected. The columns are: 1) Sales date 2) Each tender method - CASH, CHECK, Visa/MC, Discover, AMEX, House Charge, Store Coupon 3) SALES TAX 4) FEES charged for credit cards 5) PAYOUTS - total payouts recorded for the date Below is an example created for the month of May 1996 using commas as the column delimiter. "Summary of Daily Sales : Monday , 05-01-95 TO Wednesday , 05-31-95" "DATE","CASH","CHECK",....,"SALES TAX","FEES","PAYOUTS" 05-01-95,0,50.29,0,0,0,0,0,3.29,0,537.27 05-02-95,0,42.21,0,0,0,0,0,2.76,0,178.97 05-03-95,0,317.39,0,0,0,0,0,20.76,0,133.09 05-04-95,390.02,420.14,0,0,0,0,0,53,0,105.17 05-05-95,459.74,456.36,1707.77,0,0,0,0,169.47,33.49,1639.25 05-06-95,556.83,62.41,109.63,0,0,0,0,47.54,2.15,0 05-08-95,29.91,243.03,0,0,64.81,0,0,21.96,2.19,183.79 05-09-95,0,336.72,0,0,0,0,0,19.93,0,1922.72 05-10-95,21.35,0,0,0,0,0,0,1.4,0,51.27 05-11-95,0,82.36,209,0,0,0,0,18.79,4.1,142.79 05-12-95,1158.82,1028.67,0,0,0,0,0,143.1,0,1409.95 05-13-95,529.43,0,68.71,0,0,0,0,39.04,1.35,26 05-15-95,0,80.25,749.65,0,0,0,0,53.33,14.7,2061.05 05-16-95,26,74.79,201.02,0,0,0,0,17.78,3.94,20.7 05-17-95,42.2,153.77,0,0,0,0,0,12.82,0,63.89 05-18-95,1209.04,2420.02,0,0,0,0,0,79.1,0,164.12 05-19-95,441.58,215.07,0,0,0,0,0,42.96,0,1849.54 05-20-95,1319.25,0,61.07,0,0,0,0,90.22,1.2,0 05-22-95,58.8,786.02,0,0,0,0,0,55.27,0,15.94 05-23-95,0,491.33,265.34,0,367.25,0,0,72.36,17.63,2751.87 05-24-95,189.66,0,0,0,0,0,0,12.41,0,146.67 05-25-95,0,1025.44,0,0,0,0,0,67.08,0,118.2 05-26-95,74.85,86.87,117.82,0,0,0,0,18.14,2.31,1645.27 05-27-95,0,0,503.28,0,0,0,0,32.28,9.86,12.73 05-30-95,0,119.33,0,0,0,0,0,7.81,0,49.37 05-31-95,0,91.51,512.22,72,0,0,0,43.41,12.15,1907.67 ASCII Export Files / ACCOUNTING 38 様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 DEPTTOTL.OUT 陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳 This file is created when a 'Sales Analysis' (p.11) report is created. This file contains the totals by department for the date range of the report. The columns are: 1) Sales date 2) Total of each department in the system Below is an example using commas as the delimiter. Department Totals For Sunday 05-21-95 To Saturday 05-27-95 DATE,Labor,Ex...ngine,Trans & Axle,Electrical,Tuneup,Misc,Heat/Cooling 19960522,245,72.91,0,128.2,0,0,0,66.43,0,0,277.01,0,0 19960523,576.5,86.71,16.9,132.8,0,0,0,64.8,0,1.2,75.22,79.8,0 19960524,142,12.4,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,22.85,0,0 19960525,709,78.48,0,0,0,0,93.85,0,33.9,0,8.13,35,0 19960526,120,69.95,0,0,0,0,0,1.19,0,67.95,0,0,0 19960527,157.5,6.14,0,113.8,183.7,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 Accounting Menu - Vendor Edit 陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳 Select this option to add new vendors to your system. During item addition or when paying out the appropiate vendor can then be selected. ACCOUNTING / VOIDS / REPRINTS 39 様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 Store Account Payments 陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳 A sale in which 'Store Account Charge' was a type of payment is stored for later payment. Selecting 'Accounting' from the main screen and then 'Store Acct Payment' will provide a list of those accounts payable. Select the account for which a payment is being made. If the customer has more than one account payable and the payment is greater than the account selected then the payment will be applied to the other outstanding accounts as well. For example: John's Cleaning has two invoices on account - #101 for $120.00 and # 180 for $ 80.00. He makes a payment of $ 150.00. Selecting the #101 invoice, we see the total Store Charges of $200. Applying the $150 payment the first invoice, # 101, is paid in full and for the second invoice, # 180, the balance due is reduced from $ 80.00 to $ 50.00. The POS system will then print an invoice receipt acknoledging the $ 120.00 invoice as paid in full while the balance due on the $ 80.00 invoice is now $ 50.00. Finance Charge Accounts 陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳 Allows the assessing of finance charges on accounts past due. All accounts receivable will be listed. Use the spacebar to check/uncheck any account. When done, press 'Continue'. The APR rate, the grace period before assessing a charge, and finally the date to charge thru are then prompted. List Accounts 陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳 This option allows a list & then print of Store Accounts individually or all outstanding accounts. The first two options - Customer Name & Customer Number - will list individual outstanding accounts by Name or Customer number respectively. Selecting an account will print the details of that account. 'Print All Account' will print all outstanding accounts with individual invoices listed. The printout from any of the three options could be used to send as a bill to the customer. The Account Statement can be limited to a beginning date. Canceling or Voiding / Returns / Exchanges 陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳 Press the 'END' key to bring up the 'Sale Options' menu. Select 'VOID' from this menu, and then enter the invoice number to be voided. Voids can only be done for invoices created during the present day; otherwise a 'Return' invoice must be created. Returns or exchange receipts are processed as negative quantities. The 'F7 - Toggle Return / Exchange' forces a negative quantity to be entered when turned on (The display label turns red for "on" and a light grey for "off"). Reprinting An Invoice 陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳 To reprint a prior invoice press the 'END' key to bring up the 'Sale Options' menu. Select 'Reprint' from this menu, and then enter the invoice number. A duplicate receipt will then be printed. LAYAWAY ACCOUNTS 40 様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳 LAYAWAY ACCOUNTS 陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳 SETUP: Store layaway accounts can be set by selecting 'Layaways' from the 'Sale Options' menu by pressing END. The 'New Layaway Account' option will be available if there is a receipt ready on screen. The deposit amount or % down will then be inquired. After tendering the downpayment, the customer information will be prompted. Lastly, the Layaway invoice will be printed. PAYMENTS: Payments on Layaway accounts are received by choosing the 'Layaway Payment Option' after selecting 'Layaways' from the END- Sale options menu. The Layaway account for payment can be recalled by either number or customer name. The payment is then tendered and a receipt printed. CANCELATION: A Layaway can be canceled by recalling the Layaway by name or number once in the Layaway menu. The customer can be charged for a cancelation fee against the refund of their payments. SYSTEM RESET 41 様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 To clear all sales history information,type in the following from the C:\CJPOS> prompt: CJ_START /RESET Only employees whose status is 'MG' or manager will be allowed to run the reset. After the employee # and password check, selecting "ALL" will clear all sales history related files. However, the following files will be prompted for clearing: CUSTOMER.DBF - the master customer name file. ESTCUST.DBF - The customers who have estimates in the system. ESTIMATE.DBF - The items/labors for the estimates in the system. ZIPCODES.DBF - The zipcodes of cities that the system has seen. NORMALLY NOT RESET. VENDORS.DBF - The names of vendors loaded into the system. All the stock/sku numbers, departments, categories, system setup values & switches, employees, inventory information, and sku sets/kits will remain after the reset. An option to reset the Average Cost back to the current Stock cost can also be run. The system uses the average cost when calculating cost of goods sold in the Sales Analysis report. Notes 42 様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS 陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳 The CJPOS system needs an MINIMUM of 3 Meg hard disk space to run. Naturally as more receipts are written, the program can grow over 3 Meg in size. * 640 K of RAM is required. 560 K free RAM when starting program is recommended. The FILES= in your CONFIG.SYS should be at least 40. * DOS 3.30 or higher for the operating system. * 80286 or later micropressor. SCREEN SAVER 陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳 The file SAVER.TXT can be edited using a text editor such as the EDIT.COM supplied with DOS 5.0 and later. To edit from the command prompt: C:\CJPOS>EDIT SAVER.TXT Any number of lines can be in this file but it must have at least one line. DATA BACKUP 陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳 Since this program is valuable tool for your business, all the database information should be *BACKED UP EVERY NIGHT*! This author worked a POS support Helpdesk for 2 years; hard drives do break! Some systems failed to have a good backup & all data was lost. Don't let this happen to you. The CJPOS.BAT file which runs the system is already configured to PKZIP the databases to the root directory of your C: drive as CJPOSDBF.ZIP. When closing the system the POS looks for a floppy disk in drive A:. If a disk is found then an additional backup is performed to that diskette. If your desired backup drive is B: then line 6 in CJPOS.BAT must be changed to: CJPOS2 B INTERNATIONAL OPERATION 陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳 During initial installation if the system has COUNTRY.SYS running, the system will configure itself the computers' country. If applicable, The international date format of dd-mm-yy would be used with the system instead of the usual U.S. date format of mm-dd-yy. To force the POS system to the dd-mm-yy style you must go to 'System Setup' and then 'System Control Switches'. The currency symbol, i.e. $, , would also be set in the CONTROL.DBF 'CURRSYMBOL' field if the computer is properly configured. Notes 43 様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳 CJPOS RECOMMENDED SYSTEM CONFIGURATION 陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳 We have worked with many clients whose systems are not configured optimally; resulting in the 'Low Conventional Memory' warning upon startup of the system. Cuyahoga Computing recommends the following for the CONFIG.SYS file: DEVICE=C:\DOS\HIMEM.SYS DOS=HIGH,UMB DEVICE=C:\DOS\EMM386.EXE RAM BUFFERS=40 FILES=60 STACKS=9,256 The first three lines are EXTREMELY CRITICAL for optimum memory usage. Any other device drivers should follow after the STACKS= line. It is recommended that SMARTDRV.EXE (DOS 6.0 and later) be loaded from the AUTOEXEC.BAT file, otherwise for DOS 5.0 machines add a DEVICEHIGH=C:\DOS\SMARTDRV.SYS 1024 1024 line to the end of the CONFIG.SYS. It is ************************************************************************ ** EXTREMELY, STRONGLY RECOMMENDED THAT YOU DO NOT USE DOUBLESPACE OR ** ** STACKER ON YOUR SYSTEM (DBLSPACE.SYS OR STACKER.EXE) !! WE CANNOT ** ** EMPHASIZE THIS ENOUGH ! IF YOU NEED ADDITIONAL SPACE THEN BUY AN ** ** ADDITIONAL HARD DRIVE. HARD DRIVES ARE INEXPENSIVE NOWADAYS. ** ** EITHER DOUBLESPACE OR STACKER ARE MEMORY HOGS THAT SLOW THE SYSTEM ** ** DOWN 25% AND CAN CAUSE A LOT OF HEADACHES ** ** (AND HEARTARCHES WHEN THEY FAIL!) ** ************************************************************************ The AUTOEXEC.BAT file should be something like: PROMPT $p$g SET COMSPEC=C:\DOS\COMMAND.COM SET TEMP=C:\ SET PKTMP=C:\ PATH C:\;C:\DOS;C:\WINDOWS; SMARTDRV 2048 2048 /X Your PATH statement will vary for your exact machine. Notes 44 様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様様 陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳 CJPOS DEALER INFORMATION 陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳 Dealers can create a DEALER.TXT file. Limit is 18 lines. This will put your info upon program exit. This way you can set your own resale price & have the client contact you. See the VENDOR.DOC for a discount schedule on multiple sales of the CJPOS system. 陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳 陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳 PRINTING THIS FILE 陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳陳 The embedded print codes in this file are for a generic Epson style printer. For HP Printers use: E&l2A&s1C(s10U&k0G(4168T Move them to the first line of the file, replacing the Epson printer commands: @x1t1